Welcome Home Blessing!

Meet the newest addition to the New Hope – AINA Family!

Blessing’s mother was HIV positive when Blessing was born in August 2015. Her father, struggling with the stigma of HIV and economic insecurity, left before Blessing’s birth. Just 19 months after giving birth, Blessing’s mother passed from complications related to HIV. Blessing’s grandmother, Faith, who was already responsible for Blessing’s older sister, became primary caregiver.

Thankfully, Faith was able to provide food and shelter to the children. With an acre of land, she harvested beans and other vegetables to feed the family. As Blessing grew however, it became evident that her HIV status would demand much more than her grandmother could provide.

In late 2020, the Chief of Blessing’s village in Central Imenti noted that Blessing was in the hospital for many days each month. He alerted the Meru County children’s officer who quickly reviewed the situation and reached out to New Hope – AINA. After a home visit from our social worker Phineas, we decided to admit Blessing to our home.

Since her admission, she has become quite social and loves participating in singing group and sports. Blessing is in class PP1, the U.S. equivalent of nursery school, as she did not attend school full-time before entering our care. She has told our staff that she wishes to become a doctor one day so she can care for her grandmother and sister.

We are so happy to have Blessing as part of the New Hope – AINA family!

If you would like to sponsor Blessing, please click HERE and write “Blessing” in the Comments section.