Brother Andre Hospital Wins Top Prize!

Brother Andre Hospital has been named the Best Faith Based Health Center in Nairobi! This is an astounding achievement for a center that opened just five years ago and serves the one of the most indigent populations in Kenya.

In addition to winning Best Overall, the BAH received the following accolades:

  • Best in Patient Centered Care
  • Best in Safe Delivery
  • Best in Neonatal Care
  • Best in Guidelines During Delivery
  • Best in Human Resources
  • Best in Supplies Management

We are so proud of the incredible team at the Brother Andre Hospital. The staff, board of directors, and donors have made it the primary maternity hospital in the Dandora sector of Nairobi. With over 4,000 deliveries to date, the center has achieved our primary objective of providing expert maternal and child healthcare to the community and vastly reducing mother and infant mortality. With this accomplishment under our belt, the center has begun to expand service offerings, furthering our impact in the Dandora community.

  • Cervical Cancer Screening. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Kenyan women but less than 20% of women are screened nationwide, even fewer in poor areas like Dandora. The BAH began free screenings in 2020 and now sees over 300 women annually.
  • Physiotherapy. The BAH has offered physiotherapy since opening but new equipment and better facilities have made for exponential increases in patient numbers. The unit strives to prevent disabilities, relieve pain, and restore motor function – absolute necessities for the majority of our community members who rely on manual labor for a living. In the first quarter of 2022 alone, our physiotherapists saw over 1,700 clients.
  • Radiology. Previous equipped with only an ultrasound, a new x-ray machine has been a game changer for the local community. A hospital standard in the U.S., x-rays are hard to come by in Dandora sector. Our newly commissioned machine and part-time radiologist saw 43 patients in the first quarter.

We are excited to see what the coming year has in store for the Hospital and community in Dandora. You can check out all the fantastic services the BAH provides on their website: